Wed 11 Sep 2024 09:00-15:20
Online Course

Come together with your children’s continuing care colleagues to address and overcome shared challenges in the referral process. Discover how other trusts and social services achieve accepted referrals, select appropriate evidence, encourage joint assessment approaches and navigate differences between continuing care and continuing healthcare assessments. Return to your service with confidence in your understanding of successful referrals and how to achieve them.

Make sure you book before Friday 19th July to benefit from the NHS and Public Sector Early Bird, saving you £150 per place, plus you can also take advantage of a new special offer where if you book 3 places, you can get the 4th for free!

You can view the full list of upcoming paediatric events by clicking here.

Best Practice: Children’s Continuing Care Referral Process
Online 5 hours From £249+VAT

5 hours Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn

Take the opportunity to network with your continuing care community and upskill your referral processes. This online course will give you access to:

  • Best practice approaches to support successful continuing care referrals
  • An understanding of how eligibility decisions can be made
  • Strategies for overcoming referral process challenges
  • Guidance on selecting appropriate information and evidence to include in your assessments
  • A how to guide on bridging the social and health care gap to involve the right people in your referral process
  • Guidance on how you can support your families through the change from continuing care assessments to continuing healthcare assessments

Developed with convenience in mind: join this NHS online course remotely

Packed with case studies and opportunities to knowledge share with your colleagues in interactive discussions, this course will provide you with all the elements to engage with the day:

  • Meet each other – network and find out what’s going on outside your trust in breakout rooms
  • Listen and watch presentations and speakers’ Q&A – discover tangible solutions to your frustrations and challenges in the main meeting room
  • Take part in collaborative interactive sessions – enabled by moderators in the breakout rooms
  • Feedback and engage – using the chat box and moderators sharing content in the main meeting room

This course is available for in-house training

Available as a bespoke course to teams of 30+ people. Please do contact us if you would like this training delivered exclusively to your team, with the content developed to drill into the specific needs of your service. Please email Sarah Kemm or call 01732 897788 for further details.

Registration, technical support and networking opportunity
Introduction, instructions and chair’s opening remarks
Julie Cronin, Head of Children and Young People's Integrated and Personalised Care, NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board
Achieving accepted referrals
Best practice approaches to supporting a successful continuing care referral
  • Understanding the progression from community to commissioner: achieving accepted referrals
  • Case study: How assessment eligibility decisions are made and their impact on your families
  • Inspiring confidence: Step by step guide on producing appropriate continuing care referrals
Hannah Lappin, Children's Continuing Care Case Manager, and Sarah Evans, Team Leader, NHS North West London Integrated Care Board
Questions and answers with your speakers
Interactive discussion: Overcoming the challenges of the referral process
  • Describe your role within the referral process
  • What challenges have you experienced in the referral process? How have you overcome these challenges?
  • What insights are you hoping to take away today?
Feedback from interactive discussion: Overcoming the challenges of the referral process
Screen break
Curating appropriate evidence
Guidance on what information and evidence to include to meet the continuing care criteria
  • Comprehending the domains: how to appropriately apply them to your cases
  • Selecting suitable evidence to support your assessment within the assessment timescale
  • Case study: Comparing rejected and accepted referrals to reduce delays in the process
Madeleine Langford-Foster, Lead Continuing Care Nurse, Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Questions and answers with your speakers
Interactive discussion: Evaluating the national framework
  • Share your current team approach to the children and young people’s continuing care national framework
  • What struggles have you experienced with implementing it and what steps are you looking into to combat this?
  • What updates would you like to see to the framework and why?
Feedback from interactive discussion: Evaluating the national framework
Lunch time screen break
Unifying health and social care
Bridging the gap: how to guide on creating a seamless joint children’s continuing care assessment processes
  • Addressing children’s continuing care from both a clinical and non-clinical perspective to establish clarification
  • Involving the right people: who should be supporting your referral process?
  • Continuity of care: exploring strategies for communication with social and health care
Jackie Backhouse, Team Leader, Children's Continuing Care, NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
Questions and answers with your speakers
Interactive discussion: Supporting a joint approach to assessments
  • Share how your service supports a joint social and health care approach to continuing care assessments
  • What steps have you taken to encourage collaboration and effective communication in your service?
Feedback from interactive discussion: Supporting a joint approach to assessments
Screen break
Navigating children to adult service referrals
Supporting the transition to adult service: gaining confidence in the process
  • Understanding the difference between continuing care and continuing healthcare (CHC) and how that impacts your work
  • Navigating the pitfalls and overcoming the challenges of the CHC referral process
  • Supporting families in their understanding of the different referral processes
Hannah Ellis, Transition Nurse - Children and Young People’s Continuing Care and Hayley Williams, Adult CHC Transition Lead, NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board
Questions and answers with your speakers
Interactive discussion: Managing parents’ expectations in your service
  • Describe your communication strategies that you use to make sure that parents understand the referral process
  • What steps have you taken to establish a continuity of service across all of your families?
Feedback from interactive discussion: Managing parents’ expectations in your service
Chair’s closing remarks and close of day

Your speakers:

Job Title:
Transition Nurse - Children and Young People’s Continuing Care
NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board

Hannah Ellis is the Transition lead nurse for the Children’s Continuing care team within Birmingham and Solihull ICB. She holds a caseload of young people aged 14-18 who are in receipt of Continuing Care and who may be transitioning to adult CHC and works alongside the adult CHC Transition lead nurse. 

After qualifying as a children’s nurse in 2008 with BCS from Kings college London she worked in various specialities before completing a masters in Childrens nursing and working as an oncology CNS. Following this she moved to a community children’s nursing role in Coventry and as part of this job worked with young people in receipt of continuing care. In 2023 she moved to the Transition lead role within the CYP CC team at BSOL ICB. 

Job Title:
Lead Continuing Care Nurse
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust

In 2013, Madeleine started a degree in children's nursing at Kings College London. To support herself during this time, she got a job as a healthcare assistant in a private care package supporting a child with an acquired brain injury which left him with a tracheostomy, ventilation, the need for intermittent catheterisation, and routine intravenous infusions via a fistula. What began as a part time job soon taught her much of what she knows today about children and young people with complex needs. She continued to work with this young person for the next 10 years alongside her NHS roles. After she had completed a degree in children's nursing, she knew she wasn't going to be a ward nurse and secured a role within the children's continuing care team at Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust. Here, Madeleine delivered respite care to various children and young people with complex needs across two boroughs. Since then, she has worked in every role within the children's continuing care team, special schools nursing team and paediatric continence team developing knowledge and skills in complex needs. She has always supported the continuing care nurses before her to assess the children and young people under the framework (2016) so when the role as lead continuing care nurse became available, she was excited to apply. Madeleine has been working as the lead continuing care nurse since 2021 and is the only assessor in the team covering two boroughs. The referrals are rising each month, and the complexities of the children and young people continue to increase. She has worked hard to ensure the assessments are robust, evidence based and equitable across two boroughs with very different agreements in place from two integrated care boards.

Job Title:
Head of Children and Young People's Integrated and Personalised Care
NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board

Job Title:
Adult CHC Transition Lead
NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board

Job Title:
Team Leader, Children's Continuing Care
NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

Job Title:
Children's Continuing Care Case Manager
NHS North West London Integrated Care Board

Job Title:
Team Leader
NHS North West London Integrated Care Board

Pricing Structure

  • £249+VAT – one NHS or Public Sector place before Friday 19th July 2024
  • £399+VAT – one NHS or Public Sector place after Friday 19th July 2024
  • Group discount - 4 places for the price of 3

You or a colleague can claim the group NHS discount, for booking four places across this and any other subsequent event, providing the same pricing structure applies. Click here to view the full list of up coming events.

For group bookings of five or more people, please email our delegate support team or call 01732 897788 for further details

This course is available for in-house training 

Available as a bespoke course to teams of 30+ people. Please do contact us if you would like this training delivered exclusively to your team, with the content developed to drill into the specific needs of your service. Please email Sarah Kemm or call 01732 897788 for further details.

Commercial companies are also invited to sponsor this day. Please email Sarah Kemm for further details.

You can reserve a no-obligation place whilst you apply for funding

If your funding has not yet been secured or you would like to hold your place with no obligation whilst waiting for your study leave to be approved, you can reserve your place with us. Please email the reservations team at SBK Healthcare with your details:

  • Booking contact: name, job title, department, email and telephone number
  • Event(s) to reserve for: title and date
  • Delegate details (for each delegate): name, job title, department, email and telephone number
  • Organisation details: name and address

Alternatively you can make a confirmed booking by emailing the above information to the bookings team 

Once you have booked your place, SBK Healthcare will correspond with you using the email address you provided at the time of booking. Within one week of the online training taking place, you will be sent final details of the course including a full agenda, programme timings and your Zoom joining instructions. This email will include a joining link that can be used to access the course.

If you have not received your email two days before your event, do check your junk folder then contact SBK Healthcare on 01732 897788.

Practice sessions are available. If you would like to attend a zoom practice session before the event takes place, please let us know by emailing You will have the opportunity to meet an SBK Healthcare staff member who will ensure you are able to access zoom, that your camera and microphone work and you are fully set-up for the day. This is optional but if you do wish to attend, please use the same device that you plan to use on the day.

On the day, when registration starts, you will be able to join the course by initially entering a waiting room when there may be a short wait. The forum will include screen breaks, as well as topic themed interactive sessions which will take place in the breakout rooms.

Click here to view the specially created 5-minute video that will walk you through how to get the most out of attending your SBK Healthcare interactive online forum.

Certification of attendance

A certificate for Continuing Professional Development will be given to every fully registered participant who completes the course, as a record of your continuing professional training and development.

Registration fees

You will be sent an instant payment option or invoice on registration. Your payment is required in advance. If your fee has not been received prior to the event, and you are not able to provide a PO or proof of payment, you will be asked to make a credit or debit card payment on the day.

Modify registration

To let us know if your details are not correct when you have already registered, please email the bookings team.

Cancellations and substitutions

A full refund of fees will be made only for cancellations received within the first 48 hours of the booking being made. Notice of cancellation must be received in writing by emailing the bookings team at SBK Healthcare. Should you need to cancel your registration after this date, the registration fee remains payable in its entirety although a substitution will be accepted and conference documentation will be provided. Substitution attendees for delegates unable to attend after registering are acceptable at any time.

Event changes

It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the conference organisers to alter the content, speakers or the timing of the programme. We will endeavour to keep you abreast of such changes but any unavoidable change to the format will not constitute a reason to refund the fee. Should the event be postponed, we will endeavour to reschedule the event. If, for reasons beyond the control of the conference organiser, the event is cancelled, a full refund will be made. We do not accept any liability for any incurred costs resulting from a postponement or cancellation.

Privacy notice

To view the details on how your data is being collected and used, please view our Privacy policy

Expected attendees

Join this online course and benchmark with your children’s continuing care colleagues. Packed with how to guides and dedicated case studies focused on referral processes, this course has been designed for:

  • Paediatric, Community, Complex Care, Transitional and Designated Children in Care Nurses
  • CYPCC Nurse Assessors
  • Service, Team and Clinical Case Managers
  • Clinical Service and Team Leads
  • Head and Deputy Head of Care Complex
  • Social Workers
  • Matrons

If you have a team that is 30 people or more, you can have a bespoke course delivered online to your team alone. Please contact Sarah Kemm or telephone 01732 897788.

Past attendee feedback

SBK Healthcare has been producing events within the Children’s Continuing Care space for the last couple of years. We host training days that give you the opportunity to share ideas, feel heard in your service struggles and walk away with a better understanding for other teams approaches to continuing care. Check out some of the comments of our previous attendees:

"This was a brilliant session with a really good balance of presentations and breakout sessions where you could share your views and thoughts."

NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board, Evolving your Children's Continuing Care Team, Nov 2023

"Was great to hear from other teams and what works well for them as well as not so well."

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust, Evolving your Children's Continuing Care Team, Nov 2023

"Being new to my team, it was really interesting to talk to others and understand how things are done in their area."

NHS Sussex All-Age Continuing Care, NHS Sussex, Evolving your Children's Continuing Care Team, Nov 2023

"So many interesting points discussed and lots learned in the way other people and teams work."

North East Lincolnshire Council, Evolving your Children's Continuing Care Team, Nov 2023

"Good for networking and sharing ideas and experiences."

Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust, Evolving your Children's Continuing Care Team, Nov 2023

"I really found this training very interesting and helpful. A lot of great networking opportunities and the case studies were really useful, encouraging interaction. Thank you."

North Yorkshire Disabled Children's Services, Advancing Children's Continuing Care Assessments, Feb 2023

"Really useful insight and chance to network and consider different scenarios."

Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Advancing Children's Continuing Care Assessments, Feb 2023

"I thoroughly enjoyed, very informative and felt very comfortable to ask questions - excellent chair!"

Hywel Dda University Health Board, Progressing your Multi-Agency Children's Complex Needs Pathways, May 2022

"I really enjoyed the day. I thought the discussions were interesting and I found it reassuring that my service is on par with others."

The Shakespeare Hospice, Progressing your Multi-Agency Children's Complex Needs Pathways, May 2022

"Well organised, good interactive session."

Isle of Man Noble's Hospital, Developing your Children's Continuing Care Assessments, Sept 2022

"Very useful, and great to meet so many other continuing care nurses from all over the country. I am conscious of having come away from this session with a lot of questions, but I also have a long ideas list too."

Evelina London Childrens Hospital, Developing your Children's Continuing Care Assessments, Sept 2022

"The day has been very well organised and has flowed really well. I've struggled with being on the screen/laptop for the full day in long periods at once, despite this I've very much enjoyed the day. I've been able to see that we really do follow the CC processes well."

NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, Developing your Children's Continuing Care Assessments, Nov 2022

"Fantastic organisation to allow plenty of interaction and networking."

Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Developing your Children's Continuing Care Assessments, Nov 2022

"Excellent discussion, there are many practitioners out there with so much experience to share."

NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, Developing your Children's Continuing Care Assessments, Nov 2022

"It was very good for networking and hearing what is happening in different areas, content was good. It was good to talk about how everyone else completes there DSTs and the gaps in the assessment."

NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board, Developing your Children's Continuing Care Assessments, Nov 2022

View further comments on SBK Healthcare events on Trust Pilot.

Why sponsor?

Our role at SBK Healthcare is to bring industry together with healthcare professionals so that you can educate and inform your audience. These trail-blazing NHS delivery forums offer dedicated presentations, Q&A, networking and discussion time, each sponsor will be fully immersed into the event and able to effectively engage with your NHS audience.

Interested in having your own event, managed by us?

SBK Healthcare also provides in-house forums. Working closely with you as the client we can research, produce, market and deliver the conference or online forum that best suits the audience and meets your goals.

Reach out today

If you would like more information on our sponsorship options an in-house forum or if you wish to discuss your needs and what solutions may be appropriate for your business, please contact: 

Sarah Kemm 

Contact: 01732 897788 
