Update your skills in Advance Care Planning in line with NICE and other guidelines to ensure that you can appropriately and effectively support patients. Designed not only for palliative care professionals, this online course will help you refine your existing skills and facilitate further learning to ensure that you are working within the parameters of the Mental Health Act and appropriate frameworks. Take the time to achieve a consistent national approach, discover ‘what good looks like’ and improve your communication skills to ensure that you are able to deliver proactive Advance Care Planning for your patients and in line with national guidance and best practice.
5 hours Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn
Expertly led and managed, gain detailed training in supporting patients to make informed choices, develop an Advance Care Plan and understand how to legally record their wishes. Book your place and refocus on:
Log on, be inspired and leave with practical plans for the future
Take away useful techniques and new skills to use in your day-to-day role:
This course is available for in-house training
9:30 |
Join, tech support and opportunity to network in your meeting room
10:00 |
Introduction, instructions and leader’s opening remarks
Your workshop leader: Clare Fuller, Advance Care Planning Advocate Speak For Me
Person-centred care | |
10:10 |
Understanding the universal principles for advance care planning
11:00 |
Questions and answers with Clare Fuller
11:10 |
Interactive discussion with feedback: Who is responsible for advance care planning?
11:30 |
Screen break
Working within legal frameworks | |
11:40 |
Making sense of legal frameworks for advance care planning for patients
12:30 |
Questions and answers with Clare Fuller
12:40 |
Interactive discussion: How do personal beliefs and values impact Advance Care Planning?
1:00 |
Lunch break
Improving communication approaches | |
1:30 |
Developing your communication skills for advance care planning
2:10 |
Questions and answers with Clare Fuller
2:20 |
Interactive discussion: What are the challenges you experience with advance care planning conversations?
2:30 |
Screen break
Supporting the last year | |
2:40 |
Raising best practice for the advance care planning at the end of life
3:30 |
Questions and answers with Clare Fuller
3:40 |
Close of workshop
Introducing your course leader Clare Fuller
With 30 years of palliative care nursing experience across inpatient, community and community settings, your course leader will guide you through the best practice of implementing an Advance Care Plan.
Clare is a Registered Nurse with 30 years’ experience in End-of-Life Care (EoLC). She has worked in hospices, the community, and acute sectors as a Clinical Nurse Specialist, and at a national level as a Consultant Nurse for the Gold Standards Framework. Clare is a CQC Specialist Advisor for EoLC and a Lasting Power of Attorney Consultant.
Clare is the owner and director of Speak for Me which helps organisations to improve EoLC and provides professional and public education about Palliative and End of Life Care and Advance Care Planning. Clare campaigns for proactive Advance Care Planning and hosts the podcast Conversations about Advance Care Planning.
Outside work Clare is a keen yoga practitioner, a qualified gym instructor and Open Water Diver.
Publications, Podcasts & Collaborations
Fuller, C. (2021). Court of Protection. What happens when Lasting Power of Attorney goes wrong? Available at: https://openjusticecourtofprotection.org/2021/10/07/what-happens-when-lasting-power-of-attorney-goes-wrong/
Fuller, C. (2021). Court of Protection. Lasting Power of Attorney: Across borders. Available at: https://openjusticecourtofprotection.org/2021/08/11/lasting-power-of-attorney-across-borders/
Fuller, C. (2020). Court of Protection. Bearing Witness: Anorexia Nervosa and NG Feeding. Available at: https://openjusticecourtofprotection.org/2020/08/17/bearing-witness-anorexia-nervosa-and-ng-feeding/
Fuller, C. (2021). Court of Protection. Reflecting on Re MW and Advance Planning: Legal frameworks and why they matter https://openjusticecourtofprotection.org/2022/01/04/reflecting-on-re-mw-and-advance-planning-legal-frameworks-and-why-they-matter/
Fuller, C. (2022). Court of Protection. Decision-making with clarity and compassion: Validity of LPAs and appointment of Deputy Decision-making with clarity and compassion: Validity of LPAs and appointment of Deputy
Fuller, C. (2021) How to assign a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) In MyWishes Tutorial, Advance care plan By MYWISHESLEARN Available at: https://learn.mywishes.co.uk/lasting-power-of-attorney/
Fuller, C. (2020). Don’t Leave it Too Late to Talk. British Journal of Community Nursing. Volume 25 (3), pp109.
Fuller, C. (2021). End-of-life care: perspective of a relative rather than a professional. British Journal of Community Nursing. Volume 26 (4), pp176-178.
Fuller, C. (2021) Clare Fuller – TG Associate https://tessagough.co.uk/clare-fuller-tg-associate
External podcasts
Fuller, C. (2020). The Business of Healthcare Podcast. #55 End of Life Care with Clare Fuller. Available at: https://thebusinessofhealthcare.libsyn.com/55-end-of-life-care-with-clare-fuller
Fuller, C. (2020). The Business of Healthcare Podcast. #92 Lasting Power of Attorney with Clare Fuller. Available at: https://thebusinessofhealthcare.libsyn.com/92-lasting-power-of-attorney-with-clare-fuller
Fuller, C. (2023). Medics Money Podcast. #139 Why you need a Lasting Power of Attorney with Clare Fuller. Available at: https://www.medicsmoney.co.uk/ep-139-why-you-need-a-lasting-power-of-attorney/
Fuller, C. (2023). Magnificent Midlife Podcast episode132 Later life planning with Clare Fuller. Available at: https://magnificentmidlife.com/podcast/132-later-life-planning-clare-fuller/
Fuller, C. (2021) What Works Centre for Wellbeing. Contributor to the Wellbeing Conversations at the End of Life Project. Advance care planning: just a normal part of life planning. https://whatworkswellbeing.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/WWW-Briefing-Dying-Well.pdf
My Wishes tutorial: How to assign a Lasting Power of Attorney By Clare Fuller, September 2021
My Care Matters Handbook and LPA service
What to Expect: A Guide to Prostate Cancer (a Prostate Cancer Research and Ipsen collaboration 2022). In webinar 8 Clare Fuller and Debbie Victor present the emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of end-of-life care and the planning it may require End of Life Care: What to expect and how to plan
Conference Presentation
2016. Gold Standards Framework and the British Geriatrics Society Conference, Liverpool. DNACPR and what we can learn from the Janet Tracey case
Pricing Structure
You can reserve a no-obligation place whilst you apply for funding
Expected attendees
Designed for NHS professionals delivering palliative and end of life care for patients in acute, community and hospice settings. This includes but is not limited to:
Past attendee feedback
‘Clare is a natural teacher, the entire time i was hanging onto her every word, thankyou for sharing your knowledge and expertise today’
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
‘Fantastically put together in an interesting, understandable and relatable way’
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
‘Very clear and concise, engaging and interesting’
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
‘I have manage to gain plenty of tools to take away and share with my team to improve on patient care’
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
‘Well organised and useful’
George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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"Forum was managed extremely well, and very professional"
IAPT National Networking Online Forum 2021 - 21st January 2021
“I am sure like everyone else I was apprehensive with going online, not sure how we could network, the ability for all participant's to participate and the quality of the presentations - all my fears were diminished this turned in to be a great day, networking, leading and sharing still occurred and links still formed. The presentations were excellent and the quality of the forum and set up great and so easy to follow and timing excellent.”
Reduce Paediatric Emergency Attendance Online Conference – 8th October 2020
“The conference has been far more engaging than in a conference centre. This I think is because of the ability to participate in chat throughout and the use of the breakout discussions.” “Excellent day! Organisation was great - loved the break out rooms for chat. Virtual chat added another really useful way to interact during the day, which isn't available to us at the physical conferences.”
Leading Change in Clinical Coding Online Conference - 11th September 2020
"Very informative, lots of opportunity for discussions and very well organised virtually"
Providing Support for Children on Long Term Ventilation - Tuesday 9th March 2021
"I enjoyed the group chats networking listening to others experiences, I also like that there was a lead on each group so the chats were influenced and no awkward silences that can occur on web meets. I thought the larger talks were really good and easy to listen to."
Modernising Outpatient Services Online Conference – 16th September 2020
“This is my first experience of an online conference and thoroughly enjoyed it. Wasn't sure what to expect. Would recommend to colleagues to attend future events” “This has to be the best online conference I have been to, I really enjoyed the breakout rooms.”
Advancing Ulcer Care Management Online Forum – 29th September 2020