Tue 10 Jun 2025 09:00-16:00
Birmingham City Football Ground, 5 CPD hours

Designed for Immunology Laboratory Managers, Clinical Scientists and Biomedical Scientists with an appetite to embrace change, incorporate technology and develop their team 

By combining a variety of topics to proactively improve the provision of immunology services within your organisation, this networking conference is not to be missed. Come together with like-minded colleagues to pause and reflect on how to improve quality, action change locally and offer opportunities for growth to your team.  

Another event of interest: POCT National Networking Forum 2025, Birmingham

With thanks to our industry partner:     

Staying Ahead in the Evolution of Immunology Service Delivery
Face-to-face 5 CPD hours £49+VAT

5 hours Continuing Professional Development and networking: what you will learn

Attending this conference offers an excellent opportunity to refresh your approach to Immunology service delivery through a well-balanced mix of practical presentations. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to network and benchmark your service alongside like-minded colleagues by focusing on:  

  • Optimising your lab performance by integrating the latest technologies
  • Navigating the immunology tendering process 
  • Understanding the benefits and challenges of implementing LIMS 
  • Benchmarking your approach to immunology network challenges 
  • Improving testing patterns and reducing unnecessary test requests 
  • Enhancing training and competency and accessing the right support 
  • Readying your lab and team for an evolving immunology landscape 
  • Preparing to achieve a successful UKAS inspection

“Very useful and informative. Lots of ideas to take back and develop in our service"

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust, Practical Management of Immuno-Oncology: Service Development, Coventry, Oct 2024

“Brilliant delivery. Experienced clinicians with wide range of knowledge and experience”

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, Managing Immuno-Oncology (IO) Adverse Effects, Manchester, March 2023

“Excellent. Easy to follow and understand. really enjoyed myself”

Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, Haemato-Oncology Developments and Clinical Updates, March 2022

With thanks to our exhibitor

Invitation to sponsor

This Networking Forum is designed to enable Immunology providers to support healthcare professionals. If you would like to sponsor this forum, please email Sarah Kemm or call Sarah on 01732 897788 to find out about all the engagement and branding opportunities available in the full sponsorship package. Please note that we will be able to fully support you with your compliance requests.

Registration, networking and refreshments
Chair’s opening remarks
Integrating Advanced Immunology Laboratory Technology
How to incorporate the latest technology into your immunology laboratory
  • Exploring new immunoassay analysers: automated, benchtop and advanced technology
  • Choosing the best technology for your lab: evaluation and consideration top tips
  • Navigating the benefits and pitfalls of change: incorporating the latest technology within your lab
Questions and answers with your speaker
Interactive discussion: Streamlining the tendering process for integrating new technology
  • Share your experience of tendering for new technology within your lab
  • How do you decide which technology to consider?
  • Where do you get your updates from regarding immunology technology?
Sponsored presentation and Q&A opportunity
  • If you are an Immunology laboratory provider and would like to be part of this day, and present to this audience, please contact sarah.kemm@sbk-healthcare.co.uk for further information
Refreshments, networking break and meet the exhibitors
Update on implementing Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) into Immunology services
  • Understanding the benefits of centralisation of LIMS: how will it improve immunology services?
  • Real-world learnings shared: overcoming the implementation challenges
  • Measuring the outcomes on laboratory efficiency, accuracy, quality and joined up working
Questions and answers with your speakers
Network Developments
Interactive discussion: Overcoming immunology network challenges to improve joined up working
  • Share your current network set up and how it is working for you
  • What are your current barriers or challenges? E.g. Transport, data sharing, communication
  • How are you planning to establish a more unified approach to immunology care?
Boosting training for the future of Immunology
Improving trust-wide immunology testing patterns to manage demand and minimize unnecessary tests
  • Implementing education for the genuine use of immunology tests to improving testing
  • Overcoming the challenges of online testing requests and the impact on testing patterns
  • Building processes and relationships with clinical teams to improve the use of testing requests
Questions and answers with your speakers
Refreshments, networking lunch and meet the sponsors
Exploring the UK NEQAS Digital ANA System: immunology training and competence
  • Understanding the UK NEQAS Digital ANA Programme: reviewing competence of reading slides in an anonymised format
  • Training and development support available: what’s coming soon?
Dina Patel, Scientific Director, UK NEQAS Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy (IIA) Northern General Hospital, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Prepare for the future: proactive talent development and prioritisation of training and development initiatives
  • Exploring training and development opportunities for your immunology team
  • Building a resilient team: keeping up with change and future-proofing your service
  • Maximising your team’s potential for expansion within the lab and meeting the increasing demand
Daniel Payne, Consultant Clinical Scientist – Immunology, James Cook University Hospital, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Questions and answers with your speakers
Interactive discussion: Future proofing your immunology service
  • Share the steps that you are taking to ensure your laboratory is well-equipped to handle the evolving landscape
  • How are you supporting your team to prepare for the increasing demand in immunology services?
  • How do you access training and education opportunities for your laboratory team?
Refreshments, networking break and meet the exhibitors
Immunology Laboratory UKAS Accreditation
UKAS accreditation: updates and developments explained
  • Developments in the guidance: improving quality in testing and service delivery
  • Rethinking your service to satisfy the changes including mitigating clinical risk
  • Practical guidance: preparing for immunology UKAS inspections and incorporating new standards
Alyson Bryant, UKAS Healthcare Accreditation Specialist, UKAS
Case study: how to achieve a successful Immunology lab UKAS accreditation
  • Steps taken and lessons learnt: exploring the path to immunology lab accreditation
  • Addressing the practical challenges: planning, documentation, training, technology and continuous improvement
  • Inspection update: navigating the guideline updates in practice
Questions and answers with your speakers
Chair’s closing remarks and close of day

Call for speakers

If you would like to give a presentation and share your work or the work of your service at this conference, we would be delighted to hear from you.

To discuss speaking opportunities please email the conference producer Hope Frost or call Hope on 01732 897788.

Confirmed speakers to date:

Job Title:
Scientific Director
UK NEQAS Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy (IIA) Northern General Hospital, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


  • Scientific Director for UK NEQAS Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy
  • UK NEQAS Board Divisional Representative Immunology Division
  • Chair of UK NEQAS Marketing & Promotions Working Group


  • Worked within UK NEQAS for nearly 30 years
  • Qualifying as a Biomedical Scientist whilst working within Immunology Departments in London and Sheffield
  • Role as Scientific Director is to represent and strategically enhance the function of UK NEQAS Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy as a global leader in EQA
  • Key roles include representing the UK NEQAS IIA Centre in an advisory and educational role on a national and international basis, provide interpretative advice to UK NEQAS participants on all aspects of assay performance, troubleshooting, evaluation and quality assurance, to stimulate and lead in scientific / technical research and service development within the specific EQA Discipline
  • Previous roles include Lead Evaluation Manager for MHRA Kit Evaluation Unit, involving the evaluation of diagnostic assays mainly within the field of Immunology & Immunochemistry and the publication of ‘blue cover reports’ which were utilized by many NHS laboratories to identify and compare the performance of assays


  • Part-time lecturer for Manchester University and Sheffield Hallam University
  • Member of the IBMS Immunology Advisory Committee
  • Author /co author of a number of scientific peer reviewed publications covering various aspects of Immunology and Immunochemistry

Job Title:
Consultant Clinical Scientist – Immunology
James Cook University Hospital, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Daniel Payne works as a Consultant Clinical Scientist in Immunology at the South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust provide a comprehensive range of tests for the immunological investigation of patients and aim to provide the highest quality of service with prompt delivery of accurate results, backed by specialist medical and scientific expertise.

Job Title:
UKAS Healthcare Accreditation Specialist

Alyson Bryant took a degree in Biomedical Science at Sheffield University and then fell into a role as a trainee biomedical scientist in her local NHS lab after she graduated. This set Alyson on the path of working in NHS laboratories for 15 years, first in Sheffield and then in Swindon, Wiltshire. Alyson worked her way up to become a cellular pathology laboratory manager, with a particular interest in quality management to make sure that the highest standards for patients was maintained. 

Alyson is now an Accreditation Specialist with a background in biomedical science. Alyson's role for UKAS ranges from training and supporting the Healthcare Assessment Managers and technical assessors through to stakeholder engagement with key organisations such as the Institute of Biomedical Science and Royal College of Pathologists, as well as participating in ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) and EA (European Accreditation) Healthcare Committees. A major project since Alyson started the role in 2021 has been working on the transition of the ISO 15189:22 standard.

Pricing structure

  • £49+VAT for NHS or Public Sector Professionals 

Immunology providers and other commercial companies wishing to attend, are invited to sponsor this day please email Sarah Kemm for further details.

If you belong to an alliance, association or network please Laura Moore for more details about discounted places.

Venue details

Venue name: Birmingham City Football Club

Address: Cattell Rd, St. Andrew's at Knighthead Park, Birmingham, B9 4RL

Tel: 0121 772 0101

Email: reception@bcfc.com

What happens once you have made your booking?

Once you have booked your place, SBK Healthcare will correspond with you using the email address you provided at the time of booking and you will be sent a formal confirmation. If you have not received this within 48 hours of making your booking please check your junk folder and then email bookings@sbk-healthcare.co.uk or call 01732 897788. .

Approximately one week prior to the conference you will be sent an email which will include all the final details for attendance on the day, including a final agenda and venue information.

Please inform us by writing to bookings@sbk-healthcare.co.uk if you have any special dietary or other requirements.

If your funding has not yet been secured or you would like to hold your place with no obligation, you can reserve your place with us. Please email the reservations team at SBK Healthcare with your details:

  • Booking contact: name, job title, department, email and telephone number
  • Event(s) to reserve for: title and date
  • Delegate details (for each delegate): name, job title, department, email and telephone number
  • Organisation details: name and address

Alternatively you can make a confirmed booking by emailing the above information to the bookings team 

Certification of attendance

A certificate for Continuing Professional Development will be given to every fully registered participant who completes the course, as a record of your continuing professional training and development.

Registration fees

You will be sent an instant payment option or invoice on registration. Your payment is required in advance. If your fee has not been received prior to the event, and you are not able to provide a PO or proof of payment, you will be asked to make a credit or debit card payment on the day.

Modify registration

To let us know if your details are not correct when you have already registered, please email the bookings team.

Cancellations and substitutions

A full refund of fees will be made only for cancellations received within the first 48 hours of the booking being made. Notice of cancellation must be received in writing by emailing the bookings team at SBK Healthcare. Should you need to cancel your registration after this date, the registration fee remains payable in its entirety although a substitution will be accepted and conference documentation will be provided. Substitution attendees for delegates unable to attend after registering are acceptable at any time.

Event changes

It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the conference organisers to alter the content, speakers or the timing of the programme. We will endeavour to keep you abreast of such changes but any unavoidable change to the format will not constitute a reason to refund the fee. Should the event be postponed, we will endeavour to reschedule the event. If, for reasons beyond the control of the conference organiser, the event is cancelled, a full refund will be made. We do not accept any liability for any incurred costs resulting from a postponement or cancellation.

Privacy notice

To view the details on how your data is being collected and used, please view our Privacy policy

Expected attendees

This face-to-face conference is ideal for NHS professionals working in Immunology service delivery. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Immunology Laboratory and Service Managers 
  • Clinical Scientists
  • Biomedical Scientists 

Past attendee feedback

Building on our history of Immunology National Networking Forums and our return to in-person conferences in 2024, we are delighted to be holding this event in Birmingham this June for a service delivery networking conference. Here’s what attendees had to say about our previous conferences:

“Great opportunity to pause and reflect as a group on how to improve quality”

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Immunology National Networking Forum, Birmingham, April 2024

“Well-organised, enjoyed hearing from other laboratories”

North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, Immunology National Networking Forum, Birmingham, April 2024

“Good venue. Easy to get to. Great opportunity to meet up with colleagues and meet new people. Good discussion of current challenges”

York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Immunology National Networking Forum, Birmingham, April 2024

“Good speaker content, very good for networking and discussing laboratory challenges”

Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Immunology National Networking Forum, Birmingham, April 2024

“Interesting and interactive. I came home with a list of action points and questions and met some new people”

East and South East London Pathology Partners, Immunology National Networking Forum, Birmingham, April 2024

“An excellent event with fantastic speakers and an excellent opportunity for networking”

Black Country Pathology Services, The Future of Immunology Service Delivery, Birmingham, February 2020, Birmingham

“Really interesting day. Good speakers and good variety”

Barts Health NHS Trust, The Future of Immunology Service Delivery, Birmingham, February 2020, Birmingham

“Good size meeting. People keen to contribute”

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, February 2020, Birmingham

View further comments on SBK Healthcare events on Trust Pilot.

With thanks to our exhibitor

Thermo Fisher Scientific provide innovative solutions for improving patients lives, to protect our global climate and to keeping people safe.

Why sponsor this SBK Healthcare Forum

Our role at SBK Healthcare is to bring industry together with healthcare professionals so that you can educate and inform your audience. These trail-blazing forums offer dedicated presentations, Q&A, networking and discussion time, each sponsor will be fully immersed into the event and able to effectively engage with your NHS audience.

Interested in having your own event, managed by us?

SBK Healthcare also provides in-house forums. Working closely with you as the client we can research, produce, market and deliver the conference or online forum that best suits the audience and meets your goals.

Reach out today

If you would like more information on our sponsorship options an in-house forum or if you wish to discuss your needs and what solutions may be appropriate for your business, please contact: 

Sarah Kemm 

Contact: 01732 897788 

Email: sarah.kemm@sbk-healthcare.co.uk