Designed to help you make the most of your attendance at SBK Healthcare interactive online forums. This 5 minute guidance video will talk you through the key aspects of your forum – making both technical and functional aspects easy and understandable.

Great! You’ve booked your place; this is what you need to know
This practical video will walk you step-by-step through how your online forum will work, focusing on:
As good as a face-to-face conference: benefits of your interactive online forum
If you haven't made the leap to booking your place, here are some of the great things you can do at SBK Healthcare interactive forums:
5 minute video | filmed in 2021 | view on-demand
This is a really helpful and quick video, for anyone who is planning to attend an SBK Healthcare interactive forum. Click on the picture below to view:
A great sponsorship opportunity for commercial companies
Online forum branding, marketing and education opportunities include...
But don't take our word for it. We have had some excellent feedback from attendees to the forums that have been held to date:
“I am sure like everyone else I was apprehensive with going online, not sure how we could network, the ability for all participant's to participate and the quality of the presentations - all my fears were diminished this turned in to be a great day, networking, leading and sharing still occurred and links still formed. The presentations were excellent and the quality of the forum and set up great and so easy to follow and timing excellent.”
Reduce Paediatric Emergency Attendance Online Conference – 8th October 2020
“The conference has been far more engaging than in a conference centre. This I think is because of the ability to participate in chat throughout and the use of the breakout discussions.” “Excellent day! Organisation was great - loved the break out rooms for chat. Virtual chat added another really useful way to interact during the day, which isn't available to us at the physical conferences.”
Leading Change in Clinical Coding Online Conference - 11th September 2020
I enjoyed the group chats networking listening to others experiences, I also like that there was a lead on each group so the chats were influenced and no awkward silences that can occur on web meets. I thought the larger talks were really good and easy to listen to.
Modernising Outpatient Services Online Conference – 16th September 2020
“This is my first experience of an online conference and thoroughly enjoyed it. Wasn't sure what to expect. Would recommend to colleagues to attend future events” “This has to be the best online conference I have been to, I really enjoyed the breakout rooms”
Advancing Ulcer Care Management Online Forum – 29th September 2020